Name: Wu Yi Fan
Real Name : Li Jia Heng
Name Stage: Kris
Height: 188 cm
Birth: November 6, 1990
Blood Type: O
Skills/Hobby: English, Mandarin, Korean, Cantonese, Basketball
Apparently as a child Kris lived in Vancouver, Canada
Very social and can talk to anyone
Other trainees and team members of EXO think of him as a big brother
Nationality Chinese
Joined SM by global auditions in Canada in 2007
Enjoys reading book
Self improvement and inspirational
He made an appearance on 2011 Girl Generations' VCR during tour concer
Kris looks better in person than on camera
Has never undergo a plastic surgery
Was supposed to be in EXO-K, but due to SM has a large share in the China market, he joined Exo-M
Kris sometimes speaks when he sleeps, he speaks in english, korean and sometimes Cantonese
Knows magic tricks
His ideal type is kind, knows how to cook, fillial and can take care of people
Fashion King of EXO-M
In his free time he writes lyrics or exercise
Prefers causal clothes
Favorite music genre: hip-hop, dance, pop, R&B
Likes breaking and wants to learn it
Role model: Yunho (DBSK) and Siwon (Super Junior)
Favorite song from the mini album MAMA: "What Is Love"
Who is the most popular amongst girls: luhan and kris
Kris hopes to have collaborations with SM seniors
Kris and luhan are the laziest
Kris says he can fly and he did the flying gesture
Kris likes all his nicknames because his friends also call him a few of those names and they are meaningful to him
Tao: Kris is more charismatic so the girls that like him are more old
Tao said kris always taking care and helping him when he first came to korea
Kris introducing himself in Canto
Kris said normally his hand will be on top cause he’s tallest
The host was asking Kris to aegyo but he dont want
Kris hopes to meet with fans from all over the world
Kris nickname is cowboy among members too
Tao and Kris often take selcas together. Kris is actually a warm person.
Tao and Kris like to put their arms around each other.
Kris often goes out with Tao, and they would go get bubble tea too.Kris would help Tao choose clothes and accessories that suit him.
Kris and Tao have many pairs of matching earrings, one has the left and one has the right one
Tao’s Japanese was really cute, and at the ending he really stuck to Kris like glue
Kris said that he’s really grateful to be coming to thailand
Kris’s mom hometown actually from nanjing . but kris never go theres
Kris said pandas are cute & the MC pointed at Tao saying he’s a panda but Kris said “He’s a big panda he’s not cute, little ones are cute
Who says Kris & Luhan are not in good terms?
There was a period of time when the members thought Sehun & Kris looked alike
Kris said what type of apple is tasty, what type of apple is not tasty in his dreams.
Kris is excellent in basketball, NBA must recruit him.
He said his handwriting bad but not about his drawing skilss lolz.
Kris liked a dark recording space….
Kris can speak fluently in 4 different languages- Korean, Chinese, Cantonese and English
His English name is actually Kevin Li but he changed it for personal reasons.
He was mentioned by f(x)’s Amber in their album “Pinocchio”.
At the age of 15, he became the captain of a basketball team.
He doesn’t like it when people say he had undergone plastic surgery because his beauty is natural. A lot of Chinese netizens spread rumors about his plastic surgery so he posted a childhood photo in a social networking site.
according to Lay and Tao, Kris is very conscious of his looks that he applies facial cream and takes a long time to dress up.
He is nicknamed Dduijang (meaning leader), cowboy and Christ (he rejected this though because he says he’s not perfect).
Kris plays African Drums.
Nama Inggrisnya adalah Kevin Li, tp kemudian diubah menjadi Kevin Wu krn alasan personal
Kris lahir pada tanggal 6 November, 1990.
Tinggi badannya ±187cm.
Kris dibesarkan di Kanada. Dia Chinese-Canadian
Sebenarnya, hometown Kris adalah Prov. Jiangsu, Lianyungang. BUKAN di Guangdong.
Kris juga banyak dipuji akan kemampuannya berbahasa. Dia ‘fasih’ dalam bahasa Inggris, Korea, Mandarin, juga Cantonese.
Kris diposisikan sebagai rapper di EXO-M
Sampai kemudian tereveal-lah member ke 11, yaitu Kris
Pada awal kemunculan Kris dalam teaser EXO, netizens banyak memuji ‘karisma’nya.
Kris pernah muncul di VCR-nya SNSD pas Girls’ Generation Tour Concert tahun 2011.
Waktu umur Kris 15 tahun, dia pernah jd kapten klub basket di China
Kris lebih suka baca buku tentang self-improvement sama buku-buku yg ‘menginspirasi’ (Inspirational Book)
Ketampanan Kris itu natural. Dia ga suka kalau ada yg bilang kalau dia itu ngelakuin surgery.
Akhir-akhir ini banyak komunitas netizens di China yang nyebarin isu tentang oplas-nya Kris Kris pun ‘meresponnya’ dengan mengupload foto masa kecilnya di situs jejaring social
Kris pernah dimention oleh Amber f(x) di album ‘Pinocchio’
Sebelumnya Mr. SM pernah berniat memasukan Kris sebagai anggota EXO-K, tapi ngga jadi.
Kris enggak terlalu puas sama tindikan di telinganya, mangkanya dia punya banyak bekas tindikan
Kris pernah mengigau tentang ciri-ciri apel yang enak dan apel yang gak enak
Kalau Kris merasa nyaman dengan seseorang (mengganggap teman deket) dia bakal ngejailin orang itu, tapi kalau enggak dia bakal mengabaikan dan enggak peduli sama orang tersebut.
Chanyeol selalu bilang kalau dia lebih baik,tinggi, dan ganteng dari Kris (LOL) tapi setiap dia ngomong gitu semua member enggak memperdulikannya.
Lay pernah bercerita kepada ku, bahwa di dorm mereka pasta gigi diletakkan pada posisi yang tetap, pernah suatu hari saat Kris baru bangun tidur dan masih setengah sadar ia menggunakan facial cleanser sebagai pasta gigi dan meletakan facial cleanser pada posisi diletakannya pasta gigi
Kris, Chen dan Lay selalu kalah dalam game
Kris dan Tao memiliki banyak pasang anting-anting yang cocok, satu memiliki kiri (Kris) dan satu memiliki kanan (Tao). Jadi, mereka akan berbagi anting.
Setelah debut, Kris tidak lagi sering memasak untuk Tao seperti saat Trainee. Tetapi Tao akan selalu menjadi yang pertama untuk memakan masakan Kris
Selama periode trainee, Kris selalu merawat Tao, dan keduanya saling mengandalkan, bahkan Eomma Tao pernah berterima kasih pada Kris karena dia selalu menjaga Tao saat masa-masa susahnya. Ketika mereka berjalan, dia (kris) juga akan berjalan disampingnya
Kris selalu mengajak Tao untuk membeli persediaan makanan untuk para memberdan tentu saja mereka akan membeli the susu (EXO dasarnya adalh the susu)
Kris membantu Tao untuk memilih pakaian dan aksesoris yang cocok
Tao dan Kris suka memainkan/meraba leher masing-masing secara pribadi (kris suka ambil leher Tao)
Kris dan Suho memiliki lebih rahasia dari member lain (seperti rahasia atau sesuatu?)
Ketika Kris tidak senang di karenakan Chanyeol yang suka menampakan ekspresi yang berlebihan.
Kris suka memukul Chanyeol karna tingkahnya.
Pada promosi SMtown awal Kris dan Chanyeol berbagi kamar (Baekhyun kemana? Dia bersama Tao)
Pada Fansigns, Chanyeol akan membahas jadwal Kris
Chanyeol benar-benar tidak tahan ketika Kris mencoba bersikap dingin. Dan dia akan selalu tertawa terbahak-bahak.
Selama mereka (kris dan chanyeol) berada di Negara berbeda mereka sudah di jadwalkan untuk panggilan video atau video call
Chanyeol selalu bertanya pada Kris produk kosmetik apa yang sering ia gunakan.
Kris dan Chanyeol adalah dua sisi yang tidak suka membersihkan.
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.