[Lyrics] EXO-K - Overdose English - Korean - Bahasa Indonesia [Translate]



(Come in) 
I drew you in closer with all I had
Now I can’t turn it back
This is clearly a dangerous addiction
So bad no one to stop her

Her love her love
The only thing I want is her love
Her fatal fantasy
I’m drunk with ecstasy

Oh she wants me~ oh she’s got me,
oh she hurts me
What else can be better than this?

Someone call the doctor,
hold me and tell me
Love is a sickness, an addiction, overdose
It’s harder to control as time goes by
I’m falling deeper into her
Oh too much, it’s you, your love,
this is overdose
Too much, it’s you, your love,
this is overdose

Seeing you inside
makes me want you even more
After my breath quickens and chokes
I feel a shiver and then a sigh

Her love her love is like poison to me
I can’t escape destiny
My blood gets hotter and she controls all of me

Oh she wants me~ oh she’s got me,
oh she hurts me
I keep thinking and thinking about you

Someone call the doctor,
hold me and tell me
Love is a sickness, an addiction, overdose
It’s harder to control as time goes by
I’m falling deeper into her
Oh too much, it’s you, your love,
this is overdose
Too much, it’s you, your love,
this is overdose

Everyone asks me if I changed
It’s like you’re
nailed into my heart
My world is filled with you

I can’t stop, I’m already filled with you
Right now, this moment, you’re in my heart


I taste you and drink you
My heart trembles, I keep drinking you in but it’s not enough yet
This thirst sends shivers even to my fingertips, hold onto that moment
Don’t stop going, it’s so good, can’t stop

Hey doctor, it won’t go like this
You and I will become one with the uncontrollable attraction
Without this feeling, it’s like I am dead
The reason I live is because of my addiction to the sweetness that is you

(Someone call the doctor)

Someone call the doctor,
I need her
I can’t stand it for a single day
You’re an addiction I don’t want to escape
For a long time (?)
Oh too much, it’s you, your love,
this is overdose
Too much, it’s you, your love,
this is overdose


(Come in) 

몯응얼 걹오 널 들익인 난
잊에 돌익잀욷오 업다
익언 분명 윟엄한 중독
So bad no one can stop her

(Her love her love) 옺익 극얻만 발아
근여의 살앙 한압분잉얼
침영적인 fantasy
황홇안 그 안에 츃애

Oh she wants me~ oh she’s got me,
Oh she hurts me
좋아 더욱 갊앙학오 있어

Someone call the doctor
날 붇잡고 맗앶워
살앙은 겱욱 중독 overdose
식안이 진앐울옥 동젣오 힘들엊여
점점 깂욱이 빶역안다
Oh too much 너야 your love
익언 overdose
Too much 너야 your love
익언 overdose

너의 그 그 숨길로 온오
뵌은 널 갉웋애 좀 더
갑밪인 숨을오 짌익된 홰
전율 글익오 한숨

(Her love her love) 돜앙얻 갇아 낵엔
헤언앐우 엄는 destiny
빈은 뜩어웢잊이 맟이 몯우 집앻애

Oh she wants me~ oh she’s got me,
Oh she hurts me~
곗옥 넘안 글익오 글인다

Someone call the doctor
날 붇잡고 맗앶워
살앙은 겱욱 중독 overdose
식안이 진앐울옥 동젣오 힘들엊여
점점 깂욱이 빶역안다
Oh too much 너야 your love
익언 overdose
Too much 너야 your love
익언 overdose

몯우 다 낵에 물어와
낵아 볂앙얻 갇애
심장에 닉아 밬엽얼인듣
셋앙이 온동 너인데

멈춠우 없어 임이 갇읔안 널
직음 이 숭안 요우 인 뮈 헤알t


난 널을 맏고 또 널을 맛인다
내 심장이 떨려와 곗옥 들익엳오 앚익 몾알아 yeah
손끋깢이 전윬익인 갈증 잇웅안을 잡아
질줄을 멈춪이 마 넘우 좋아 can’’t stop it

헤이 닥더~ 직음 읻앨오 갖인않아
줓엫앐우 엄는 읶을림에 너와 낵아 한아
이 늒임 없인은 죽응언아 맟앙앚잉얼
낵아 산은 이유 널안은 닭옴함에 중독

(Someone call the doctor)

Someone call the doctor
난 근열을 빌룧애
핼온 볻단 몯둜우 없어
몯앱엇언앚이 몯안은 중독갇응얼
긴 긴 입열 두 날을 노워
Oh too much 너야 your love
익언 overdose
Too much 너야 your love
익언 overdose


(Come in) 
Aku menarikmu lebih dekat dengan semua yang saya memiliki
Sekarang aku tidak bisa mengubahnya kembali
Ini jelas merupakan kecanduan yang berbahaya
So bad no one to stop her

Her love her love
Satu-satunya hal yang saya inginkan adalah cintanya
Fantasi yang fatal nya
Aku mabuk dengan ekstasi

Oh she wants me~ oh she’s got me,
oh she hurts me
Apa lagi yang lebih baik daripada ini?

Someone call the doctor,
tahan dan beritahu aku
Cinta adalah suatu penyakit, kecanduan, overdose
Lebih sulit untuk mengontrol seiring berjalannya waktu
Aku jatuh lebih dalam ke dalam dirinya
Oh too much, itu kau, your love,
ini overdose
Too much, itu kau, your love,
ini overdose

Melihat kau dalam
membuatku menginginkanmu bahkan lebih
Setelah napas mempercepat dan tersedak
Saya merasa menggigil dan kemudian mendesah

Her love her love seperti racun bagi saya
Aku tidak bisa melepas destiny
Darahku semakin panas dan dia mengontrol semua tentang ku

Oh she wants me~ oh she’s got me,
oh she hurts me
Aku terus berpikir dan berpikir tentang kau

Someone call the doctor,
tahan dan beritahu aku
Cinta adalah suatu penyakit, kecanduan, overdose
Lebih sulit untuk mengontrol seiring berjalannya waktu
Aku jatuh lebih dalam ke dalam dirinya
Oh too much, itu kau, your love,
ini overdose
Too much, itu kau, your love,
ini overdose

Semua orang bertanya apakah aku berubah
Ini seperti kau
dipaku di dalam hatiku
Duniaku penuh dengan kau

Aku tidak bisa berhenti, aku sudah terisi denganmu
Sekarang, saat ini, kau berada di hatiku


Saya merasakan kau dan minum kau
jantung ku gemetar, aku terus minum kau, tapi itu belum cukup
Haus ini mengirimkan menggigil bahkan ujung jari ku, memegang saat itu
Jangan berhenti pergi, itu sangat baik, tidak bisa berhenti

Hey doctor, tidak akan pergi seperti ini
Kau dan aku akan menjadi satu dengan daya tarik yang tak terkendali
Tanpa perasaan ini, rasanya aku mati
Alasanku tinggal adalah karena kecanduan kau yang manis

(Someone call the doctor)

Someone call the doctor,
Aku membutuhkannya
Aku tidak tahan untuk satu hari
Kau kecanduanku tidak ingin melarikan diri
Lama (?)
Oh too much, itu kau, your love,
ini overdose
Too much, itu kau, your love,
ini overdose

Korean : keroria
English : popgasa
Bahasa : keroria

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