1PS Profile Unknown/ 0 Comments 1PS 원피스는 원피스-스코어'(1 PIECE-SCORE)의 줄임말로 '하나의 악보'를 네 명이 화음 맞춰 노래해 작품을 만든다는 의미를 담고 있다. Pronounced One Piece. They are under Maroo Entertainment. (From Left to Right) Jieun, Yena, Yoonseo, and Saeha Birth Name: Kim Seung Hyun Stage Name: Yena Birthday: April 19, 1988 Position: Leader, Vocalist, Face of the Group Height: 165 cm Role Model: Yangpa Birth Name: Lee Yoon Seo Stage Name: Yoonseo Birthday: April 13, 1992 Position: Main Vocalist Height: 168 cm Role Model: Shin Yong Jae -She is a ballet dancer Birth Name: Jo Ji Eun Stage Name: Jieun Birthday: July 10, 1992 Position: Vocalist, Main Dancer Height: 164 cm Instruments: Piano Role Model: Lee Sora and Kim Bum Soo Birth Name: Oh Yu Rim Stage Name: Saeha Birthday: December 21, 1992 Position: Maknae, Lead Vocalist Height: 165 cm Blood Type: AB Role Models: Ailee and Davichi -Former member of E2RE MUSIC VIDEO Because I'm your girl(여자이니까) [2014] GALLERY You may also like About Post Author Unknown Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.